Our MFT program was originally built for aspiring Regional and Games athletes, but as the sport progressed we felt that so many athletes were doing themselves a disservice by jumping right into a program designed for the 97% percentile. We truly believe in the principle of appropriate intensity, and that just because you CAN do the things we ask in the MFT program doesn’t mean you should, which is why we build the Hatchet and Age Group program. Our MFT program is built for aspiring Elite Sanctional and CrossFit Games athletes, so if you’re not quite there yet you’re in the right place. We think that the vast majority of competitive CrossFitters should be starting with the Hatchet program, and only when you can absolutely crush everything we ask of you with intensity, then you can up the ante with MFT. For you young guns and elder statesmen of the competitive landscape, the Age Group program is a blend of MFT and Hatchet, modified for the recovery needs of Masters athletes and built to help you crush the Age Group Online Qualifier, or prepare for the Games. For more details about both programs, head south (scroll down).
The Hatchet Program
What is it?
Think of our Hatchet program as our feeder system for MFT. It presents you with challenging workouts, skills, and weights that are best for the majority of CrossFitters with a desire to get into the competitive scene, eventually moving up to MFT when you can dedicate the necessary time and intensity to each training piece. The workouts are modified versions of MFT workouts (sometimes they’re the exact same) and are built for those who want a little more work than you might get in a 1-hour affiliate class without having to dedicate too much more time in the gym. Hatchet is the single best place you can start your competitive CrossFit journey.
Who is it for?
Hatchet is for athletes looking to compete in CrossFit but aren’t quite ready for the hefty volume and intensity of the MFT program. If you aren’t sure which program you should be following, start with Hatchet, then move to MFT when you can crush everything the Hatchet program throws your way.
How do I get it?
The Hatchet Program is available to Plus subscribers and higher through our Memberships page. Once you sign up and submit your payment, you can access the daily program by clicking “Blog” at the top of the site, and then clicking the “Hatchet” tab.
Age Group Programming

What is it?
The Age Group program is built using our MFT template and is modified to accommodate the training volume and recovery requirements of Teens and Masters. We include Age Division Modifications (ADMs) to workouts for those in the 14-15 and 55+ age categories based on standards we’ve seen in the Open and standards we reasonably believe could be set in the future Online Qualifier and Games. We also include Maintenance and Accessory training pieces to keep you healthy from phase to phase, getting ready for the Open.
Who is it for?
The Age Group program is designed for competitive teens 14-17 and Masters 35 and over who are looking to crack the top 200 in the Open and qualify for the CrossFit Games through the Age Group Online Qualifier.
How do I get it?
The Age Group Program is available to Pro and Complete subscribers through our Memberships page. Once you sign up and submit your payment, you can access the program by clicking “Blog” at the top of the site, and then clicking the “Masters” tab.